VAT Services

Value added tax (VAT) is one of the most complex and onerous tax regimes imposed on businesses – in fact many businesses inadvertently overpay or underpay VAT, which can result in VAT investigations and penalties from HMRC or bad cashflow management for the business.

More recently Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTDfVAT) has commenced from April 2019 and affects all compulsory VAT registered businesses. See our articles here for more background information on what this may mean for you.

Our VAT services include:

  • Assistance with VAT registration
  • Guidance on the various VAT schemes available for businesses
  • Advice on VAT planning and administration
  • Ensuring all pre-registration VAT expenditure is claimed fully
  • Checking your bookkeeping when you use our free bookkeeping spreadsheet
  • Completing your VAT returns and submitting it electronically to HMRC each quarter
  • Liaising with HMRC on your behalf
  • Setting you up with MTD compatible software if you want to move off manual records

There have also been changes to the flat rate VAT scheme over recent years. Click here for more information on how it works and may affect you.
